Purpose: To bring Amateur (drug tested) lifting to a venue that is already established with the Powerlifting community so that all lifters may compete on the same platform.
The ABPU is governed by the testing rules and by-laws of the AWPC. Referees and auxiliary appointed officials will undertake the same. It is the lifters responsibility for any substance they put in their body. The banned substances list is a guide and related compound which increases the Testosterone/Epitestosterone ratio to a level of 6 is a ban without discussion. Testosterone Replacement Therapy of any kind is not permitted in the ABPU.
Rules & by-laws: Governed by the rules of the ABPU on a National level and by the Amateur World Powerlifting Congress a associated federation of the World Powerlifting Congress on an International level.
Equipment: Same rules apply as far as the amount of layers, fabric and length of wraps, etc.
Testing Procedures: The lifters in this division will be strictly drug tested. The lifter will have the opportunity to change their classification up until weigh-ins. After that point they will lift in the division that they originally marked on their application. Divisions for National and World Competitions may not be changed after application is received. All testing will be done on a targeted basis. The amount of lifters that will be tested will be on sliding scale basis depending on the amount of entries in the Amateur division.
Example: 0 -10 1 lifter
11-20 2 lifters
21-30 3 lifters
31-40 4 lifters
41-50 5 lifters
Anything above 51 lifters will be 10%
Sample collection is strictly targeted testing and we make no apology for this. The one thing that must be strictly adhered to is that we do the testing in a correct chain of order and that all specimens be handled as such. We feel that the issue of a drug tested division, especially with an established association such as the ABPU is a step in the right direction. Amateur lifters who are tested and are found to be using Anabolic Steroids will be banned from competing in the ABPU and AWPC as a lifetime ban. At that point the lifter will be banned from the ABPU for life and banned from the BPU for the period of one year, thereafter they may join the BPU. Any ABPU Sanctioned events where testing is not done, the contest will be considered BPU Sanctioned only and the meet promoter will not be allowed to sanction ABPU. All testing is done through the ABPU owner and/or designated officers appointed by the ABPU and proper procedure must be followed.
Please note, prescibed Testosterone Replacement Therapy is not permitted in the ABPU.
ABPU/AWPC Banned Substances Steroid Profile I – Panel 6000
Androstene and any Andro related product (includes nor-andro)
Bolasterone (Metabolite)
Boldenone (Equipose) (Metabolite)
4-Chlorotestosterone (Clostebol) (Metabolite)
Clenbuterol(Siropent) Danazol(Metabolite)
Dihydrotestosterone (Stanolone)
Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone (Oral-Turinabol)
Dromostanolone (Masteron) (Metabolite)
Epitestosterone (if above 200 ng/mL)
Ethylestrenol/Norethandrolone Metabolite
Formebolone (Esiclene) (Metabolite) Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin) (Metabolite)
Mesterolone (Proviron) (Metabolite)
Methandrostenolone (Methandienone, Dianabol)
Methenolone (Primobolan)
Nandrolone (Deca-Durabolin)
Norandrostendione/Norandrostendiol Metabolite
Oxandrolone (Anavar)
Oxymetholone (Anadrol) (Metabolite)
Probenecid (Masking agent)
Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMS) – this is a blanket ban- effective from 1st October 2019. Testing is targeted for SARMS.
Stanozolol(Winstrol) (Metabolite)
Testosterone (T/epiT ratio greater than 6)
Testosterone/Androstendione/Androstendiol/DHEA Trenbolone (Finajet, Parabolan) (Metabolite)
…and related compounds *specimen is considered positive when Testosterone/Epitestosterone ratio is greater than 6″
Process of Positive Test Result
- If any of the compounds are found to be above normal levels, the lifter will be instantly removed from the ABPU and AWPC, their entries removed and their competing suspended. Notification and a copy of the test results will be sent to them. There is no appeal, no re-testing and no further communication will be entered into. Only in the instance where the lifter has a medical condition that a prescribed substance is warranted and has not been declared, may it be considered. In this instance, a copy of prescription, a letter from and evidence from a CONSULTANT not a GP given in evidence.
- The lifter has 7 days from notification to appeal the results on medical grounds (ABPU ONLY). The lifter has the right to gather and submit medical evidence why the levels of that compound are so high, however, at this point, it is the Testing Officers decision whether the evidence is sufficient and whether it will be accepted or not. No retest will be offered. The appeal will then go to the Testing Officer whose decision is final It must be noted though – ultimately, if your test is positive, you are banned. No re-testing. It is the lifters responsibility what they put in their body.
- If the lifter does not submit an appeal on medical grounds within 7 days of notification, they will be officially banned for life from the ABPU and AWPC and notification from the ABPU and AWPC will be given. Once the lifter has received both notifications, the result that a positive has been detected from that specific competition will be made. . The federation will protect the identity of the lifter until such times the process is finalised either from non-action of notification or from an unsuccessful appeals process. In the event of a successful appeal, the lifter, who’s identity will have been protected to this point, will have all rights regained and full membership of the ABPU and AWPC.
- In the event of the positive result being upheld, all records attained by the lifter will be revoked, entries to competition ABPU or AWPC removed without refund.
Positive Results List:
1 x positive result from British Championships 2018
1 x positive results from British Championships 2019
Membership and Testing
Please note that taking membership of the ABPU removes all rights if you do not submit medical evidence to establish why a drug test may be positive. You must provide this information at the time of taking membership. When you take membership you are agreeing to the terms of the ABPU and AWPC that if any tests are returned as positive, there is no re-test and you are immediately banned. You are waiving your rights at this point and adhering to the rules of the ABPU and AWPC.
Constitution of the Amateur British Powerlifting Union
- Title
- The business owner and/or Director of the Amateur British Powerlifting Union WPC UK Ltd who is also the owner of the AWPC license and has agreed to lease that license to the Amateur British Powerlifting Union until such time she has the right to withdraw that license. The Amateur British Powerlifitng Union shall be hereinafter referred to in this document as “the Club”. The Amatuer British Powerlifting Union, its intellectual property, web site, domain, name, trade mark, formation and all associated properties belong solely to Emma James.
- Objectives
- The objectives of the Club shall be:
- To encourage the practice, promotion, development and participation of amateur powerlifting in all areas of the UK and to progress the development of British Powerlifting internationally.
- To provide facilities for members to compete.
- To organise open, club, and club handicap powerlifting events from Novice to National and International qualification.
- To organise teams to represent the Club in championships and leagues and in such other
Competitions as the owner shall decide with input from members
- The Club shall cater for the following disciplines: RAW powerlifting, RAW with knee wraps, single ply powerlifting, multiply powerlifting, bench press only RAW and equipped (single and multi ply), disabled competing and novice introductory competition.
- The Club is affiliated to the Amateur World Powerlifting Congress by license, which is owned by Ms Emma James and leased to the Club. The license fees are due by end of February each year of $250.
- Membership
- Membership of the Club shall be open to persons who are amateurs as defined by the World Powerlifting Congress at that time, regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. However, limitation of membership according to available facilities is allowable on a non-discriminatory basis. Children under the age of 16 attending training, competitions or any club activity must be accompanied by their parent or guardian who shall be entirely responsible for them. For young people age 16 or 17, a parent or guardian is to be entirely responsible for their attendance at all club activities.
- Each membership application must be made by on-line electronic submission using the web site application form or handed in by person at competition, or sent by post otherwise they will not be eligible to compete. The appropriate subscription of £32/£37 or £20 must accompany the application for membership.
- Any member wishing to resign from the Club must do so in writing or by email to the owner before the 1st January, failing which, they may be liable for the ensuing year’s subscription.
- Resignation shall be considered by the owner within one calendar month of receipt and will be held as effective from the date of tendering. Resignations will not be accepted if the member is financially indebted to the Club, i.e. has not paid their subscription for the current year and acceptance of the resignation will be withheld until the debt has been discharged.
- The owner shall have the power to suspend or exclude any member for contravention of or bringing the sport into disrepute or public defamation of any other member or federation regardless of blame. Disagreements will be dealt with privately and grievances should be brought directly to the owner which will be dealt with. Personal disagreements will not be dealt with by the Club. In exercising these powers the owner shall adhere to the Club’s disciplinary procedures. Appeal against refusal or removal may be made to the owner who has the right to put this to public vote.
- Payments
- Annual payments for competing under the license of the AWPC & WPC shall become due for payment on 1st January each year, with the amounts being determined by the owner who may also seek input from ABPU members publicly.
- The Club will keep payments at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating.
- The initial fee shall include an additional payment to cover the cost of club kit if so required, the amount of which will be reviewed periodically by the owner who retains the right to ask for member input and to be guided by opinion of the members only.
- Members under 18 shall pay £20 subscriptions.
- Members joining after the 1st January shall be deemed to have paid their subscription for the following year.
- Any member failing to make payment by the 1st January of each year may still join by paying the subscription fee but will still have to renew the following year on the 1st January unless special dispensation for members has been introduced in the form of a public reduction or promotion. Members who help the ABPU in any capacity may be offered payment of the annuall fee in return for thier services
- Management
- The management of the Club shall be vested in the owner with input for consideration from the members. The owner will manage the club for the progression of the sport, protection of the lifters and development of facilities for the lifters.
- The owner can create a poll or call a meeting at any time for input and guidance on decisions from the lifters and members.
- The owner shall have the power to fill vacancies for auxiliary roles if they arise and to co-opt members for particular projects, but co-opted members shall not have any power of decision or rights to the ABPU. The owner is responsible to the lifters to upkeep and adhere to the rules put in place with the AWPC and to serve and protect the lifters.
- The owner shall also have the power to establish any subgroups deemed appropriate to assist in meeting the objectives of the Club, and to delegate to these sub groups such duties as may be considered appropriate. Those individuals can be recompensed if appropriate, by payment, annual fees or competition entry admission.
- The owner shall have the power to appoint individuals to perform specific duties on behalf of the Club and to delegate to those individuals such duties as they consider appropriate if agreeable to that individual.
- Annual Meeting – only available to those with subscription card baring ABPU and associated number.
- A general meeting, if appropriate, can be held at the National Championships each year as dictated by the practical circumstances applicable at that time.
- At the general meeting this will:
i Give persons of annual subscription a report on the progression of the Club and developments.
ii Receive the financial report from the accountant or chartered accountant dependent on the formation of the company at the time. Accounts are available for public view and in the case of the Ltd company, will be lodged and available also through companies house.
iii Put the representatives deemed necessary for the running of the Club if necessary.
iv Consider any amendments to this constitution which must be received by the owner at least 14 days preceding the meeting in order that all subscribers to the ABPU shall have sufficient notice of the proposal.
v Transact any other business important for the members.
- At least 21 days’ notice shall be given to members of the date, venue and proposed discussion list.
- All registered members of the ABPU at the meeting who are aged 18 years or more shall have input. If a vote is requested by the owner, a show of hands will be asked for and the majority vote will carry the decision.
- Emergency Meeting
- An emergency meeting may be called by the owner to discuss business too urgent to wait for the general meeting if possible. This can be done by announcement requiring feedback from the members, electronic poll or physical gathering of the lifters/subscribers.
- Three weeks’ notice of an emergency meeting must be given to the all subscribers by email or or by announcement in electronic format together with the issue/s to be discussed if physical presence is required. No other business shall be conducted.
- Procedures for input shall be the same as for the general meeting.
- Finance
- The financial year of the Club shall run from May 31st to June 1st.
- All funds belonging to the Club in the form of memberships initially shall be deposited with the British Powerlifting Union / WPC UK Ltd funds until such a time the Club has grown in order to sustain itself. It shall be deposited in a bank or building society in accounts that shall carry the Club title or the the British Powerlifting Union title or the limited company title WPC UK Ltd. It shall not be deposited in a personal bank account. All accounts shall operate on one signatory of the owner.
- Expenditure above agreed budget levels of £3000 per item will be notified to members.
- Property and Funds
- The property and funds of the Club cannot be used for the direct or indirect private benefit of members other than as reasonably allowed by the owner and all surplus income or profits are reinvested in the Club unless directed otherwise. Individuals can be recompensed and appointed promoters can gain benefit if not affecting the lifters in any way financially.
- Funds in the form of income can be deposited into another organisations account in the case where subscribers are below sustainable financial amounts for the club. This will ballast the club until such time times it can support itself financially and will at that point run its own accounts independently.
- Equipment co-owned with another business or organisation shall be deemed in ownership commensurate with the percentage of subscribers. Co-ownership and usage of any and all equipment which the ABPU has a percentage ownership of, shall be of free use when and if required.
- The Club may provide sporting and related social facilities, sporting equipment, coaching, courses, insurance cover, medical treatment, travel expenses and other ordinary benefits of Community Amateur Sports Clubs as provided for in the Finance Act 2002.
- The Club may also in connection with the sports purposes of the Club:
i Sell and supply food, drink and related sports clothing and equipment.
ii Employ members and remunerate them for providing goods and services, on fair terms set by the owner without the person concerned being present.
iii Pay for reasonable hospitality for visiting guests;
- Indemnify the owner, volunteers and paid representatives and members acting properly in the course of the running or assisting of the Club against any liability incurred in the proper running of the Club (but only to the extent of its assets) through insurance coverage.
- The owner, promoters and members will have due regard to the law on disability discrimination and child protection.
- Winding Up
- The owner may decide to wind up the Club at any time or withdraw the license. the owner has responsibility to inform all subscribers with a current ABPU number of the decision.
- The owner will then be responsible for the orderly winding up of the Club’s affairs.
- After settling all liabilities of the Club, the owner shall dispose of the net assets remaining to one or more of the following:
i To another Club with similar sports purposes and/or
ii To an individual with the sole purpose of perpetuation the work and ethos of the club
iii The owner also reserves the right at winding up to have value assessed of due monies owed in lieu of time, intellectual property, diligence and investment. All the aforementioned properties will be assessed by the designated accountant of the Club.
- Alterations to the Constitution
The Constitution may be altered by the owner and an amendment notice will appear with date of change.
Updated 18.6.2020