BPU Membership Application and Details
Special offer from 1st October 2023 – if you take membership between 1st October 2023 and 31 December 2023 – you get all 2024 included.
Hello and thank you for wishing to have membership with us.
THIS IS THE NON TESTED SIDE OF THE FEDERATION. If you are looking for the tested side, that is the ABPU and you need to navigate to the ABPU membership page on this site.
What happens when I sign up?
Hello – memberships run each year to the 31st December so your membership expires each year on the 31st December.
Your details get sent through onto a csv file and they are processed every week. You will NOT receive your number immediately, your card will come in PDF format to your email in approximately 10 days. If you are in desperate need of your number then please email memberships@britishpowerliftingunion.co.uk (and please be courteous). After you pay WAIT and you will be redirected to a page where you will have a download page for your A/WPC Rule book and Welcome letter. Please ensure you download these and READ them.
Please email memberships@britishpowerliftingunion.co.uk ONLY if you have heard nothing back in over a week.
You MUST have current 2024 membership when you apply to enter a competition in 2024 If you are sailing close to the wind and it is unlikely that Kate will have got your card out to you – then email and ask for the number. In the meantime, on the entry form, put the date you applied for membership – YOU MUST INFORM US WHEN YOU RECEIVE YOUR MEMBERSHIP as it is required on the form – this is YOUR responsibility to let us know as soon as you receive it. YOU MUST RECIEVED YOUR MEMBERSHIP PDF BY WEIGH IN OF THE COMPETITION – you will not be permitted to lift if you do not,
Please make sure you have a valid memberhsip by the time the competition comes – remember, you will not be allowed to compete without a current membership. So update your entry form with your new membership number AS SOON AS YOU GET IT!
Where does my membership go?
The British Powerlifting Union has a bank account which will be used for all payments to and from the BPU. Accounts will be produced for each year.
The fees we have to pay and to cover travel expenses for officials will come out of the account and these are some of the fees that are mandatory:
- WPC/AWPC License fee: $250 per annum
- Sanction fees for international events: $250 per event
- Event Insurance: £120 per event
- Accounts Preparation (accountant fees): £850 per annum (approximately)
- Stationary, postage fees, printing, membership card printing, travel costs, web domain, paying for professional services, equipment, covering officials costs for BPU business stuff, travelling to international competitions FOR YOU to run the team, referees, spotters, loaders and admin staff, trophies, medals, venue hire, payments etc are all not known yet and will be accounted through the year. We do sometimes make payments to people who have gone out of their way for us which has caused them problems and I dont think anyone would begrudge those payments being made if it has made the competition you have entered actually run.
- Record Certificates – Yearly membership includes any GB records broken that year, there will be no additional charge for certificates as they are on PDF but you MUST apply for them!
- Payments to staff that help us, its not much but we try to at least give them something for their time.
- Medals, medals and more trophies – remember we have over 2500 members………..
- Testing fees for the ABPU.
To Join the BPU/ABPU you can follow our easy on-line application process which requires you to make payment via paypal and then complete a registration form (all on-line for your ease).
BPU (non-tested) membership fees are:
New and renewal BPU members 20 years old and upward: £32
13 to 18 years old classes : £15
ABPU (tested) membership fees are:
£37 per annum new and renewals 20 years old and upward
£17 per annum 13 to 19 years old and upward
**Please be aware that renewals will be issued with a new card – you will be given a new card and new number each year
Data Storage and Registration
Our privacy Policy and GDPR is on the following page: http://www.britishpowerliftingunion.co.uk/privacy-policy-gdpr/