Team GB in the Windy City!

Team GB recap at WPC World Championships 2024


2025 WPC Worlds were hosted by Amy Jackson and Eric Stone in Lisle, Illinois, in the greater Chicago area. GB Team arrived as 16-strong squad of lifters to the Sheraton hotel serving as the venue and were not disappointed. The venue was American XXL sized, there was seating enough for a United vs. City footie game, Anderson powerlifting and other vendors were present and for competition and warmup equipment the local team had brought three high-quality EliteFTS monolifts, four Elite benches, a huge amount of calibrated plates and specialty bars all around.

The team truly made A/BPU proud by their conduct, and all through the week were punctual, professional, efficient and in good spirits! The US crew fell in love of team GB with their soft-spoken, well-mannered behaviour and a positive attitude, and being demons on the platform! We had lifters from T2 (16-17) all the way to M5 (60-64), and a healthy amount of Masters lifters had signed up to the open category also to challenge themselves. Good on you!

Some of the most memorable moments were Gabrielle Stuffins being forced to take a fourth attempt on deadlifts, Babs Milaskiewicz and Megan Bernard in their own classes fighting it all the way to deadlifts against their adversaries, Dan Shearly almost dying to cut weight as his wife had made too many mince pies prior to comp week, Donna Bramley surprising the crowd with her great pull and scaring the young platform crew with a bark, El Presidente Emma benching 260kg and outlifting most men in her flight, Paul Wain being at the top of his flight at masters squats and deads, Kevin Maher’s 200+ bench at 63 years young, Paul Johnson’s good comeback on squat number three, Hodson couple’s deadlift enjoyment, and some very good, mature lifting from Adam Stone, Krzysztof Mocek and Mira Taylor! We also had one bombout, but that is a learning experience!

The competition was a good representation of what WPC is; positive, well ran and with a wealth of tradition and memories behind the scenes. Next year the Worlds are in South Africa, and we hope to take a huge team! It is truly once in a lifetime chance for most, as it has been 30 years since SA has hosted a WPC International.

Thank you to all of who came, and those who had to pass on this were sorely missed. On with season 24/25 and towards British and European Championships!

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